Faith formation begins with childhood and lasts a lifetime, so we offer a variety of classes and learning situations.
Pre-Baptism Classes
Baptism is the sacrament through which we welcome new members to God’s church. Since we believe this is a way God acts to welcome us to the family of God, we welcome infants and young children as early as parents request it. Though it’s common Lutheran practice to baptize children as infants, anyone of any age may be baptized. The rite of baptism may take a little time, but there’s a lot going on, and an expectation that responsible adults will continue the process of teaching children about God’s love, and our life together as a Christians. Please speak to Pastor to arrange for a pre-baptism class for parents and sponsors, and to set a date for a baptism.
Children & Adults Learn in Worship!
Can you believe it? Attending church is both about worship, and a part of Christian education both for adults and children. Attending worship gives us a chance to hear stories of faith, to learn songs, to practice praying, to hear over and over again about God’s love and forgiveness. We sinners need to learn things again and again all our lives long.
Children’s faith begins early, so we encourage you to bring the children you love to church. Remember that we learn how to behave in different situations, and we learn where to turn for help, so children also need practice to learn how to behave in church and they need to hear the stories and see people around them praying so that they will know they too can turn to God. Adults in our parish know that kids need to move and make noise. Seeing and hearing them with us is cause for celebration!
Sunday School
As children grow, they need to hear Jesus stories and do activities to remember that God’s love is for them; so during the school year, Holden offers Sunday School for preschool and grade school children.
To learn more, please contact Jenny Mickelson at 320-290-4266. For those who use Facebook, that’s another good way to reach her.
Vacation Bible School
Coming soon!
First Communion
Jesus gave himself for the sake of all people, and anyone who believes Christ is truly present in the meal at the altar is welcome to join us. Children in our parish most commonly receive instruction when they are third graders, but that shouldn’t limit us as far as welcoming people to the table. It’s a gift from God, a meal for the whole family of God, so children are welcome to join us at an early age. If you or your child are interested in learning about this sacrament and joining us at the table, please talk with one of the Ministers to work out a good time for classes.
Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation)
At the time of baptism we promise to teach children about the Bible, the Creed, the Lord’s prayer, and how to live as followers of Jesus. That’s a lot for infants to take in, so we give it time and continue teaching children as they grow. At some point we hope they will choose to claim the gift of faith and live as a follower of Jesus. To that end, we offer a three year course for young people who will make such a commitment. This allows for a year in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), a year in the New Testament, and a year in Luther’s Small Catechism. Contact one of the Ministers if you would like to find out more about confirmation classes.
Monthly Women’s Bible Study
Second Thursday of each month, 1:00 p.m., Zion’s Hall
All women are invited to join in this monthly study. While this group always meets at Zion, women from both churches attend. Non-members are welcome as well, so feel free to stop in. The Bible study is from the Gather Magazine, a publication of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Written by female pastors and teachers, this is a chance to delve into scripture from new perspectives. Come check it out! For more information, please call Connie Cedergren, 320-233-7648.